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CALL GIGI WINSTON Principal Broker


Publicity from media sources like NPR, CNN, The Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, and more keeps Winston Real Estate in the forefront, from local to global. 

Watergate History - Interviews with Founders

CNN Interview with Founder Henry Winston - Uncovering the Inside Story

CNN interview with Henry Winston, founder of Winston Real Estate and past President & General Manager of the Watergate Complex. Aired June 17, 2002. CNN INSIDE POLITICS, "Watergate Anniversary Marked Today." Transcript

NPR Interview with Founders Tina & Henry Winston

Fascinating NPR interview with founders Tina & Henry Winston about the "break-in" and the early Watergate days. Aired June 15, 2007. NPR (WAMU): "The Watergate: 35 Years of Notoriety." Audio and Transcript

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